Food Is Necessary

Aaarrgghh! My stomach!! I wish I had eaten food in the past few days. I really need food!
For starters, food makes you happy. For instance, after eating lunch I was I was in a much better mood for the rest of the the day. Ahhhh that feels so much better. I feel nice and full and I think I will be smiling ’till I go to bed. Eating really makes my body feel happy.
Next, you could die without food. Furthermore, without the energy food gives you you will starve to death. I like eating food because I like being alive and happy.
I’m all, food is some thing we can’t live without. Survival is the goal of humanity, so savor it! Crunch! Ahhhh! That feels so much better.

Getting Sick

This week I caught the flu on Thursday and felt terrible until Sunday. My mom always told me to wash my hands before eating, but I took no regard to her warning. I regret doing that because I had to sleep all the way through Friday (good thing it was a snow day).
On Thursday, I had started to cough very badly and told my mom I probably had to stay at home. I started to feel more tired every hour until finally on Friday I laid down and went to sleep from 3:00 to 9:00 and then again at10:00.
After I had slept I had recovered a lot and I finally had enough energy to get up and get a glass of water. From there I fully recovered and came to school on Monday.