Getting Sick

This week I caught the flu on Thursday and felt terrible until Sunday. My mom always told me to wash my hands before eating, but I took no regard to her warning. I regret doing that because I had to sleep all the way through Friday (good thing it was a snow day).
On Thursday, I had started to cough very badly and told my mom I probably had to stay at home. I started to feel more tired every hour until finally on Friday I laid down and went to sleep from 3:00 to 9:00 and then again at10:00.
After I had slept I had recovered a lot and I finally had enough energy to get up and get a glass of water. From there I fully recovered and came to school on Monday.

One thought on “Getting Sick

  1. I know what you mean staying home, feeling miserable, and not having the strength to get up. I always hate getting sick, but you always get to miss school

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